Criminal sticking a pistol

Criminal pointing a pistol

A man with a gun on his head

A man in captivity and threatened with a knife

Criminal sticking a pistol

Criminal taking a hostage

Criminal threatening with a knife

Men threatened

A man surprised by a gun

A man with a gun

Criminal sticking a pistol

A black girl sticking to the window and looking back

A female ghost with long black hair peeking through a frosted glass window

Autumn leaves and snow

Silent Window

A suspicious figure peeking through a window, a suspicious silhouette

A cicada shell that has emerged from a stone lantern

Late July: A grasshopper on an outdoor screen door

A cupreous beetle stuck to an outdoor screen door

Coral-like mimicry of the frogfish

Shogun shrimp


Frogfish on a rock



Male silhouette with knife 1

Cute Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Horizontal photo of a tree frog clinging to a wall

Tree frog clinging to the wall

The exterior wall of a warehouse covered in withered ivy

A businessman sticking to "STOP!" (White background)

Shadow-like ivy

A gecko clinging to a window and preying on moths

woman filing for divorce

Children looking out the window from a hotel room

A businessman in a suit wearing a "wait" (white background)


Ivy on a tree

Ivy on a tree

A small green frog stuck to the wall

hand holding outdoor knife

A snail clinging to a block wall

Frog stuck to the window

Frog stuck to a screen door

Frog stuck to a screen door

Gecko shadow

Ivy clinging to the wall

Mudskipper sticking to glass surface

Wedding invitations

Gecko through the glass

Grasshopper clinging to the wall

Japanese frog

Biological gecko

Western conifer seed bug perched in a plastic bottle

Gecko through the glass

Frog and suction cup stuck to the glass of the aquarium

Frog and suction cup stuck to the glass of the aquarium

Frog and suction cup stuck to the glass of the aquarium

Sesame Moth

Sesame Moth

Sesame Moth

Glass sucker

Waiting for prey


Otocinclus seen from the front

Otocinclus clinging to the wall of the aquarium

Crawling Umeedashaku

Gecko 4

Newt's belly

Colorful sea anemones

Gecko clinging to the wall

Classic newt




Taiwan Tainan Tourist Destination-Anping Tree Shop

Frog together

Please wait until it changes

frog on the wall

old wall covered with leaves

present the evidence

leaf on one side

Pecking bird-shaped cloud

Yodarekake sticking to the aquarium



Frog on kendama

Frog on Kendama



Shining fluff

A dog that wants to snuggle up and sleep

Raindrops on the glass


A gecko that sticks to a screen door


web spider
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