A Japanese bush bunting eating food

Starlings eating leaves

A turtle dove perched on a branch

Daurian redstart clinging to a thin branch

Weasel aiming for prey

Weasel aiming for prey

Pair of pigeons

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A shrike hunting for prey

Blue sky and early spring trees

A shrike standing on a stump

A brown-eared bulbul picking at withered pomegranates

A pair of crows perched on a speaker

Brown-eared bulbul hanging on a branch

Kingfisher clinging to a branch

Cherry blossoms along the river

Beautiful flowers

A shrike eating an earthworm

A shrike hunting for prey in the rain

Great Egret Standing on the River

A crow holding dried grass for building a nest

A coot jumping on the river surface

Brown-eared bulbul on a power line

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a dead branch

A Japanese white-eye clinging to a plum branch

A Tufted Duck flapping its wings on the surface of the river

A common snipe hiding in the grass

A kingfisher clinging to a branch and aiming for a fish

A white-throated sparrow clinging to a dead branch

Kingfisher perched on a branch

A posing grey wagtail

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

Weasel aiming for prey

White wagtail standing by the river

A Habicho preening its feathers

Weasel aiming for prey

A white-throated sparrow clinging to a branch

Kingfisher aiming for fish from a branch

A crow holding on to a wire and cawing

Starlings eating food

A brown-eared bulbul holds a withered pomegranate in its mouth

Kingfisher hunting for fish

A Common Sandpiper Standing on the River

A pair of crows perched on a speaker


A shrike clinging to a thin branch

Beautiful flowers

A kingfisher preening its feathers

Coot posing

Daurian redstart perched on an iron bar

A black kite perched on dead grass

A pheasant walking through the grass

Weasel aiming for prey

Pair of pigeons

Little Egret Searching for Food

A brown-eared bulbul eating leaves

Blue sky and early spring trees

A Turtle Dove Grooming Its Feathers

Brown Thrush Standing on a Fallen Tree

A white wagtail standing on a stone on the river surface

A kingfisher hunting for fish from a high branch

Little Grebe swimming on the river

Starlings eating water moss

A shrike hunting for prey

A rail walking along the water's edge

A walking course along the river under blue skies!

Shrike standing on a stick

Withered nuts hanging from a branch

Pomegranate fruit still attached to the branch

Starlings clinging to dead branches

Coot searching for food

Sparrow hanging on a branch

Kingfisher clinging to driftwood

A shrike hunting for prey

A white-throated sparrow perched on a branch

A shrike hunting for prey

A sparrow grooming itself on the roof

A shrike hunting for prey

Pigeons Standing on a Telephone Pole

A small brown duck searching for food

City From high above Bunkyo Ward Waterworks Riverside Bank

Cherry blossoms along the river 2

A shrike standing on a sign

sparrow perched on a branch

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a branch

A Daurian redstart clinging to the tip of a branch

A pair of sparrows standing on driftwood

A duck swimming on the river surface

A crow holding a branch for building a nest

A goshawk perched on a branch

A shrike with its beak wide open

A mallard duck standing on the surface of the river

Daurian redstart taking off

A shrike holding an insect

Kingfisher clinging to driftwood

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a branch

A crow holds an electrical cord in its mouth to build a nest

A crow preening itself on top of a tall tree

A pair of mallards

A little egret waiting for prey from the river
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