Tea ceremony 94

Middle-aged kimono woman 6

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

A woman with furisode standing by the window 13

Two women in yukata taking pictures of inn meals

A woman in a yukata eating at an inn

A woman in a yukata with a bathtub at an inn

Two women in yukata using smartphones in the inn room

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Yukata woman touching plants by the window

A woman in a yukata who raises her index finger at the inn

Yukata man fanning with a fan

A woman in a yukata with a bathtub at an inn

Yukata man standing by the window

A woman in a kimono holding a pocket bag

Yukata man who cools by the window

Yukata man who cools with a fan

Yukata woman who cools with a fan by the window

A woman in a yukata with her arms folded at an inn

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Grandma to call and grandson to instruct

Tea ceremony 87

Tea ceremony 77

Middle-aged kimono woman 76

Woman using a laptop with a kotatsu 5

Women to visit

A woman with furisode standing by the window 2

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Yukata man with his arms crossed by the window

Furisode female sitting in a Japanese-style room 1

Yukata man smiling by the window

Yukata man standing with his arms folded in a Japanese-style room

Yukata man looking out the window

Yukata man wearing a cheek cane by the window

Yukata man sitting by the window

Yukata man standing by the window with his arms folded

Yukata woman sitting by the window

Yukata man standing by the window

Yukata man with his arms crossed by the window

Yukata man sitting by the window

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Yukata woman sitting by the window and looking out

A man who cools by the window in a yukata

A woman in a yukata taking a picture of a meal at an inn

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Yukata woman who hits the wind of an electric fan

Two women in yukata taking pictures of inn meals

Yukata man sitting by the window and cooling down

Yukata woman looking out with a fan by the window

Yukata couple looking up at the sky together

Yukata man dozing by the window

Two women in yukata taking pictures of inn meals

Yukata couple sitting in a Japanese-style room

A woman in a yukata taking a picture of a meal at an inn

Yukata man who feels the wind by the window

Yukata man with a fan leaning against the window

Yukata woman lying down with a smile

A woman in a yukata who raises her index finger at the inn

A woman in a yukata who raises her index finger at the inn

A woman wearing a haori in a yukata with a mask to have her hands disinfected at the inn

A woman in a yukata with a bathtub at an inn

Yukata man smiling by the window

Yukata woman pointing her finger while lying down

Yukata woman lying down with a smile

A woman in a yukata wearing a yukata with her index finger raised at the inn

Yukata man drooling in a Japanese-style room

Yukata man staring at the sky

Yukata woman who cools with a fan by the window

Yukata woman sitting by the window

A woman in a yukata holding a bathtub at an inn

A woman in a yukata wearing a mask with a bathtub at an inn

A woman in a yukata holding a bathtub at an inn

Yukata man looking out the window

A woman in a yukata with her elbows by the window

Yukata man sitting by the window and looking up at the sky

Yukata woman sitting by the window and touching the plants

Two women in yukata taking pictures of inn meals

Yukata woman sitting by the window and looking out

A woman in a yukata with a bathtub at an inn

Yukata couple sitting by the window and looking out

Yukata man dozing by the window

Yukata man staring at the sky

Yukata men who cool in a Japanese-style room

A woman in a yukata wearing a mask holding an alcohol pump at an inn

A woman in a yukata taking a picture of a meal at an inn

A woman in a yukata using a smartphone in a ryokan room

A woman in a yukata taking a picture of a meal at an inn

A woman wearing a haori coat in a yukata at an inn with a bathtub

Two women in yukata eating at an inn

Yukata woman who hits the wind of an electric fan

Yukata woman sitting by the window and touching the plants

Yukata man hanging by the window

A woman wearing a haori coat in a yukata at an inn with a bathtub

A woman in a yukata wearing a mask and wearing a haori to have her heat measured with a non-contact thermometer at an inn

A woman wearing a yukata and a haori in a guts pose at an inn

Yukata woman with arms crossed by the window

A woman in a yukata with a bathtub at an inn

Yukata woman wearing a cheek cane by the window

Yukata woman who cools by the window
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