White background material

Men and women repainting the wall

Woman repainting the wall

Men and women repainting the wall

Couple painting

Woman painting the wall

Young people repainting the walls

Couple preparing to paint

Man repainting the wall

Woman repainting the wall

Woman repainting the wall

Man repainting the wall

Men and women looking at the wall

Woman painting the wall

Men and women to paint

A man painting a wall

Woman painting the wall

Men and women repainting the wall

Woman painting

Young people repainting the walls

Men and women who decide the color of the wall

Men and women repainting the wall

Men and women staring at the wall

Woman packing luggage

Woman painting the wall

Men and women repainting the wall

Men and women playing

Woman painting the wall

Men and women leaning against the wall

Young people painting

Woman painting the wall

Couple chatting

Repainting the wall

Woman painting

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