Mudskipper in the mud

Beautiful mudskipper with spots

Manhole design of Saga city Mutsugoro

The road to the tidal flats

Creatures of the tidal flats


Mudskippers on the tidal flats

Mudskipper hiding in an oyster shell

Mudskipper in the aquarium 2

Mudskipper in an aquarium

Mudskippers threatening each other

Mudskippers resting on the tidal flats

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Flying Mutsugoro

Mudskippers resting on the tidal flats

Mudskippers threatening each other

Creatures of the Ariake Sea tidal flats

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Warasubo and Mudskipper Sashimi

Mudskipper fishing in the Ariake Sea

Mudskippers threatening each other

Creatures of the Ariake Sea tidal flats

Mudskippers resting on the tidal flats

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskipper waiting for something

Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea

Intimidating mudskipper

Mutsugorou coming out of the burrow

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea

Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea


Mutsu fishing in Ariake Sea

Intimidating mutsugorou

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea

Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea

Arao City and Shimabara Peninsula, the tidal flats of the Ariake Sea

Tidal flats at the Ariake Sea / Gatalympics venue

Mudskipper and Mudskipper resting on the tidal flat

Mutsugorou resting on tidal flats

Intimidating mutsugorou

Mutsugorou resting on tidal flats

Mutsugorou resting on tidal flats

Intimidating mutsugorou


Reclamation of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture Low tide sea

Mutsugorou entering the burrow

Tidal flats of the Ariake Sea and Mt. Unzen / Fugen


Experience tidal flats at the Ariake Sea Gatalympics venue

Mudskipper inhabits Saga City

Tidal Flats in Yanagawa City ~Mutsugoro Land~ 3

Mudskipper inhabits Saga City

Ariake Sea tidal flats

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskipper entering its nest

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskippers threatening each other

Experience tidal flats at the Ariake Sea Gatalympics venue

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Menacing Mudskipper

Mudskipper and fiddler crab resting on tidal flats

Mutsugorou that comes out of the burrow

Mudskipper making a courtship jump

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Mutsugoro threatening each other


Mudskipper looking into a burrow

Mutsugoro sashimi, a specialty of Saga Prefecture

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskippers eating diatoms in the mud

Mudskipper making a courtship jump

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Mudskipper making a courtship jump

Mudskipper eating diatoms in the mud

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat

Mudskipper making a courtship jump

Mudskipper with swollen mouth

Mudskipper with swollen mouth

Mudskipper resting on a tidal flat

Mutsugoro intimidating a Yamato Sagani

Mutsugoro threatening each other

Mudskippers making courtship jumps

Mudskipper resting on a tidal flat

Mutsugoro (mudskipper) and Yamato-sagani resting on a tidal flat

Mudskipper resting on a tidal flat


Mutsugoro threatening each other

Mudskipper making a courtship jump

Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat


Mutsugoro resting on the tidal flat
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