A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A flock of Eurasian greenfinch bathing in a river in autumn

Cute little bird perched on a tree

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

I found a greenfinch!

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A flock of Eurasian siskins photographed at a nearby stream

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A flock of Eurasian siskins photographed at a nearby stream

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A greenfinch on the riverbank, facing left

A greenfinch on the riverbank, facing right

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A flock of Eurasian green siskins on a tree branch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A greenfinch searching for food

Eurasian greenfinch gathering in the grass

A greenfinch clinging to a branch and singing

A greenfinch resting on a yellow flower in a field

A Japanese Eurasian flaxen resting on a goldenrod

A greenfinch caught in an ivy

Welcome, Wild Birds 20

Welcome, Wild Birds 22

A greenfinch resting its wings

A greenfinch resting on a branch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

A flock of Eurasian greenfinch on a cherry tree branch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

A greenfinch resting on a branch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

A greenfinch resting on a branch

A greenfinch resting on a branch

Parent and child of Kawarahiwa perching on a tree

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Kawarahiwa who came to eat the fruit of Chinese elm

Kawarahiwa (wild bird) in a wheat field

A greenfinch resting on a tree with red leaves in autumn 2

In autumn, a greenfinch came to eat nuts.

In autumn, a greenfinch came to eat nuts. 5

In autumn, a greenfinch came to eat nuts. 1

In autumn, a greenfinch came to eat nuts. 3

Kawarahiwa popping out

Kawarahiwa perching on a twig

Kawarahiwa hidden in a tree

Kawarahiwa taken in a nearby stream

Greenfinch in early summer sunshine

Kawarahiwa 2 Juneberry

Kawarahiwa (wild bird) on fox thistle

A siskin perched on a branch - copy space

A greenfinch perched on a branch

Copy space

A greenfinch perched on a branch

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Eurasian Greenfinch

Kawarahiwa crazy about Kino

Round eyes

Staring at spring ...

Young bird of Kawarahiwa

Kawarahiwa singing a fox thistle

Kawarahiwa 1 Juneberry

Kawarahiwa pecking red fruits

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Kawarahiwa resting its wings on a rock

Two Kawarahiwa




Kawarahiwa (wild bird) on fox thistle

Kawarahiwa perching in a birdhouse 2

Kawarahiwa (wild bird)

Cute Kawarahiwa standing on the breakwater on the coast

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Wild bird Kawarahiwa

Eurasian greenfinch walking on the ground, copy space

A greenfinch perched on a branch

A greenfinch walking on the ground

A greenfinch walking on the ground

A male Eurasian greenfinch perched on a branch

A greenfinch walking on the ground

A greenfinch perched on a branch

A greenfinch walking on the ground

A greenfinch walking on the ground

Eurasian greenfinch in the grass - copy space
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