Power line and blue sky 1

Cloudy sky and tower

Blue sky and tower

Blue sky and tower

electric wire and pole

TV Tower

A lot of electric wires extending from the truss

A utility pole bathed in the light of a streetlight

V truss beam and electric wires

Electric wire, V truss beam and blue sky

power line

Scenery with a steel tower

towering utility pole

Mobile phone relay base relay device

crossed electric wires

branch of electric wire

Image of mobile phone base station antenna

Sunset sky, utility poles, steel towers, electric wires, and _02

utility poles lit by the sun

blue sky and electric pole

Steel tower seen through the trees

blue sky and steel tower

Suburban mobile phone base station antenna

Steel tower (3)

Dusk and steel tower

Mobile phone base station antenna

steel tower

Sunset sky and steel tower_03

Radio tower tower

Suburban mobile phone base station antenna

Scenery with a steel tower

Scenery with a steel tower

blue sky and steel tower

Transmission line tower and rural scenery at sunset

blue sky and steel tower

blue sky and steel tower

blue sky and steel tower

Steel tower reflecting on the water surface

Evening sky and tower silhouette

steel tower

Steel towers and power lines standing in the night sky with a crescent moon

blue sky and steel tower

Looking up at the electric wires leading to the tower

steel tower

blue sky and steel tower

electric wires and towers

Sunset sky, steel tower and electric wire

Steel tower stretching into the blue sky

tall iron tower

A landscape lined with steel towers

towering steel tower

Trees, steel towers and reflections

Red and gray steel tower with blue sky in the background

Red and gray steel tower with blue sky in the background

Mobile phone base station antenna standing near an apartment building

Aichi prefecture Aichi ranch blue sky and steel tower

Aichi prefecture Aichi ranch blue sky and steel tower

Aichi prefecture Aichi ranch blue sky and steel tower

Image of mobile phone base station antenna

Steel tower (5)

Sunset sky and steel tower_02

Sunset sky and steel tower_01

Steel tower seen through the trees

Steel tower from directly below

Transmission tower where high-voltage lines come and go

Electric wires extending from red and white towers

Electric wires extending from red and white towers

Mobile phone base station antenna

Mobile phone base station antenna

Mobile phone base station antenna

Image of mobile phone base station antenna

Aichi prefecture Aichi ranch blue sky and steel tower

Aichi Prefecture Landscape in the park Blue sky and steel tower

Steel tower reflected in the blue sky and pond

radio tower in the city steel tower base station antenna

Sunset sky, utility poles, steel towers, electric wires, and _01

Sunset sky, utility poles, steel towers, electric wires, and _03

radio tower

Street corner in the evening with a view of the steel tower

trees and towers

Steel tower standing in the night sky at dusk

steel tower

steel tower

blue sky and power lines

Mobile phone base station antenna

210626 Next to Umigasaki Water Purification Plant

Power lines and steel tower standing in the sky with the moon at twilight

A river that reflects the sky dyed madder red with electric wires

Sakae streetscape

Blue sky and steel tower





Steel frame

Summer cumulonimbus electric wire

Transmission line silhouette

Utility pole

Dusk of autumn 3

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