Orange bouquet with dahlias 01

Orange bouquet with dahlias 02

Western quince (flower/bud)

Western quince (flower/bud)

Western quince (flower/bud)

Western quince (flower/bud)

Yellow Flower


Yellow flowers of the Western quince

Western quince buds

Yellow flowers of the Western quince

Leaves of the Japanese laurel

Hypericum perforatum Toxicity

Aaron's beetle 1

Aaron's beetle

A single flower on a green field

Western quince, narrowly ovate, opposite leaves

Buds of the European quince

Hypericum patulum (Western gold thread plum)

Hypericum calycinum

Hypericum calycinum

Aaron's beetle

Hypericum calycinum

Small buds in the leaves of Seiyokinshibai

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Buds of the European quince

Western goldenrod

Yellow Flower

Golden shrike

Flowers of the Western sedge

Bright yellow European staghorn fern

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Golden shrike

Flowers of the Western sedge

Flowers of the Western sedge

Western goldenrod

Flowers of the Western sedge

Western laurel blooming on a stone wall

Close-up of the European sedge

Seiyou Kinshibai

Flower of sedgeflower_03

Seiyou Kinshibai

Seiyou Kinshibai

Seiyou Kinshibai

Flower of the bellflower_02

Seiyou Kinshibai

Flower of sedgeflower_01

Seiyou Kinshibai

Aaron's beetle

Aaron's beetle

Aaron's beetle


Aaron's beetle

Aaron's beetle

A bright yellow goldfish


bellflower hypericum yellow flower

Seiyou Kinshibai

Aaron's beetle yellow flower

Aaron's bee and bee

Yellow Aaron's beetle flower blooming in the park

Small goldenrod

Small goldenrod

Western ginseng (1)

Western ginseng ⑵

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Western goldenrod

Hypericum patulum (Western gold thread plum)


hypericum caricinum

Hypericum calicinum 01

hypericum caricinum

Leaves of Physcomitrella japonica bathed in sunlight


Hypericum patulum (Western gold thread plum)

Hypericum calycinum

hypericum caricinum

hypericum caricinum

hypericum caricinum

hypericum caricinum

Aaron's beetle

Flowers of Himekinshibai

hypericum caricinum

hypericum caricinum

hypericum caricinum

Hypericum patulum (Western gold thread plum)

hypericum carcinum 03

yellow flower
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