Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 5

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 1

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 4

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 2

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 3

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 10

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 11

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 7

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 8

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 9

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 301

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 302

Castle in the Sky Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle. 04

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle. 02

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle. 01

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle. 03

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle Mountain Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle Mountain Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

The lowest existing castle tower on a mountain

Two-tiered turret of Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

The flat tower and gap of Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Mountain castle in the sky

Mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 3

A castle in the sky. Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bicchu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle stone wall

Heavenly mountain castle Binaka Matsuyama castle

Bichu Matsuyama Castle castle tower

Castle in the Sky

Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky

Bicense Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle Honmaru East Gate

Mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A castle in the sky

Bichu Matsuyama Castle

Castle in the Sky Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Mountain castle in the sky

Mountain castle in the sky

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle castle tower front

Castle in the Sky Bitchu Matsuyama Castle


Binchu Matsuyama Castle Sannomaru Pass and Road

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Sea of clouds

Bicense Matsuyama Castle

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle castle tower

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle Castle Town Takahashi City

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle and a sea of clouds in the morning sun

Okayama Prefecture - Mountain road leading to Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Okayama Prefecture - Mountain road leading to Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Castle tower

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Stone wall

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - View of the two-tiered turret from the castle tower

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - View from the castle tower

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Castle tower

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Two-story turret

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Castle tower

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Castle tower and Go-no-hira yagura

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Castle tower and main citadel

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Stone wall

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Honmaru Higashi-gomon Gate and Earthen Walls

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Stone wall

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Stone and earthen walls

Okayama Prefecture - Bitchu Matsuyama Castle - Stone wall

Okayama Prefecture - Mountain road leading to Bitchu Matsuyama Castle
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