Mouflon's face up

Orienteering kids and teachers

Family barbecuing

Children staring at each other

Car / Snow Trouble 259

Boy bonfire in the camp

Boy wearing a buoy in the river

Female standing with a camera in the autumn forest 1

A woman holding a camera in the autumn forest

Family barbecuing

Smile woman with pole

The feet of a person walking with a cane

Female standing with a camera in the autumn forest 2

Family barbecuing

A man trekking in the mountains

Woman with barbecue vegetables

Woman with a pot

A woman holding a pole and looking at the camera

Woman sitting on a rock looking at the camera

Woman looking sideways while trekking

A smiling woman walking in the mountains

Car / Snow Trouble 80

Parents and children playing in the river

Family making yakisoba on barbecue

Boy preparing for barbecue charcoal fire

A woman walking and enjoying a forest bath

Woman trekking down

Woman riding a bicycle in the forest

A man riding a bicycle

A man standing by a bicycle with his arms folded

A woman who gets off a bicycle and uses a smartphone

Woman riding a bicycle in the forest

Woman pushing a bicycle in the forest

Woman riding a bicycle in the forest

Parent and child splitting watermelon

A man standing by a bicycle with his arms folded

Woman pushing a bicycle in the forest

A man straddling a selfie-style bicycle

A man riding a bicycle through the forest

A man straddling a selfie-style bicycle

A couple standing by a bicycle

A couple standing by a bicycle

A teacher who treats an injured girl

A woman taking a commemorative photo while looking at the camera while bathing in the forest

A couple taking a commemorative photo while skiing looking at the camera

A couple taking a commemorative photo while climbing a winter mountain

Profile of a couple sitting on a log and taking a break

Mouflon in the forest

Mouflon in front of a tree

Walking mouflon

Two sideways mouflons

Mouflon's face facing the front

Mouflon looking at the camera

Mouflon in winter

Front of Mouflon

Shady mouflon seen from the front

Mouflon in the mountains

Mouflon looking at the camera in the mountains

Mouflon in the forest

1 mouflon

Mouflon in the forest

green tree park

Mouflon looking sideways

Dignified mouflon

Mouflon walking down

Black couple playing badminton in the park 1

Black couple playing badminton in the park 3

Walking mouflon

Black girl standing on the grass in the park

Black couple playing badminton in the park 2

Faces of two mouflons

Ranch pony

Horse walking

Horse in the mountains

Two mouflons looking at the camera

Black girl interested in park flowers

Horse in Hinata

Mouflon's horn and profile up

Pony walking in the plateau

Mouflon in the forest

Cute mouflon face

Mouflon in cold weather

Mouflon in the mountains

Mouflon on dead leaves

Corner up

Mouflon with fine horns

Mouflon seen from the front

Mouflon looking sideways

Mouflon in the sun

Mouflon facing the camera

Mouflon facing sideways

Profile up of Mouflon

Profile of Mouflon

Mouflon in the mountains

Mouflon Weapon

Mouflon on fallen leaves

Mouflon's face facing sideways

Mouflon sandwiching dead leaves

Mouflon in the forest

Mouflon seen from the side
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