A bee that perches on aquatic plants and drinks water from the aquarium

paper wasp nest

A paper wasp perched on a goby

Paper wasp drinking water on a water lily leaf

A group of paper wasps clinging to the wall

beehive seen from above

Wasp nest (Polistes sieboldii)

Wasp nest (Polistes sieboldii)

Wasp nest (Polistes sieboldii)

Wasp nest (Polistes sieboldii)

Paper wasp 01

A paper wasp resting on a morning glory leaf

A paper wasp resting on a morning glory leaf

A paper wasp resting on a morning glory leaf

A partially constructed wasp nest

Paper wasp

Paper wasp nest

Landscape with paper wasps and paper wasps

Newly formed small beehive and queen bee

Nest building for overwintered queen bees

Paper wasp

Secret hideout Wasp nest

A paper wasp was on a gardenia branch

Paper wasp on white background

Paper wasp on white background

paper wasp nest

Paper wasp nest cocoon 23-01

Paper wasp nest cocoon 23-02

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-01

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-08

Paper wasp larva 23-06

Paper wasp larva 23-02

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-04

Polistes for hydration

A paper wasp sucking water droplets on a leaf

A paper wasp flying around in search of nectar

carcass of paper wasp

back of paper wasp

Paper wasp guarding the nest

Paper wasp

A side view of a paper wasp nest

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-06

Paper wasp

A paper wasp flying around in search of nectar

A paper wasp flying in search of nectar

Paper wasp

Paper wasp

Paper wasp

A paper wasp protecting the nest and larvae

Spring paper wasp

Polistes and nesting on window frames

A paper wasp devouring the nectar of a bush mustard

Paper wasp nest cocoon 23-05

A paper wasp perched on a white wall

black-legged paper wasp

Blue sky and paper wasp

Paper wasp③

Paper wasp larva 23-11

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-03

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-05

Paper wasp nest built under the eaves

A paper wasp scouring a wooden stake in a park

Paper wasps preying on other insects

Paper wasp nest cocoon 23-03

paper wasp drinking water

Paper wasp perched on salvia

paper wasp

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-09

Paper wasp eggs and hebo 23-02

Paper wasp larva 23-01

paper wasp

Paper wasp nest 08

Paper wasp nest 06

Flying paper wasp

A paper wasp sucking water droplets on a leaf

paper wasp building a nest

Paper wasp nest 23-01

Early afternoon park with paper wasps

Paper wasp perched on salvia

Yamato paper wasp nest building

Paper wasp nest 23-04

Spring paper wasp

Paper wasps and jade vines

Exterminate paper wasp nests

Paper wasp

A paper wasp flying around in search of nectar

Paper wasp②

black-legged paper wasp

Paper wasp nest cocoon 23-04

Paper wasp larva 23-04

Paper wasp nest 23-06

A paper wasp nesting in the shade of crops

A paper wasp scouring a wooden stake in a park

Paper wasp perched on salvia

Paper wasp

Bees preying on larvae

Paper wasp

paper wasp

Paper wasp guarding the nest

paper wasp building a nest
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