Men and women with books and smiling faces

Children holding hands with their teacher and dancing like playing a train

Boy and teacher moving colorful balls

Cerebral palsy boy playing puzzles

Children who seem to have fun with their hands raised

Boy operating a computer

A girl wearing a cheek stick and looking at the camera

Boy playing with felt fruit

A woman staring at a notebook with a smile

Parents and children studying together

Boy with cerebral palsy drawing a picture

Boy with cerebral palsy using a laptop

Woman talking to a crying girl

Boy drawing with a green pen

boys holding handprints

Parents and children drawing pictures with paint

children looking through a microscope

Cerebral palsy boy playing puzzles

Boy with cerebral palsy using a walker

A woman taking out a book and looking at the camera

Nursery teachers and girls lying on the bed and reading picture books 11

Boy playing with colorful arch toy

Parents and children using tablets

Parent and child looking at the globe

boy climbing a wooden arch

Down syndrome girl drawing a picture

Parents and children playing the keyboard

Parents and children sitting side by side

Boy with cerebral palsy doing rehabilitation exercise

A woman holding a book open with both hands

Men on the computer

A man looking at a computer with a smile

Nursery teacher and girl drawing 4

Back view of children looking at the numbers the teacher shows

Kindergarten children talking while holding felt vegetables and fruits

Children who seem to have fun with musical instruments

Boy with Down Syndrome carrying a backpack

Boys and physiotherapists doing walking training

Parents and children studying together

Children and teachers holding shoulders for a commemorative photo

Female opening a book in the aisle

A girl playing with clay while looking at the child next door

A boy wearing headphones and reading a book

Boy with cerebral palsy drawing a picture

A boy with cerebral palsy playing an electronic piano

Cerebral palsy boy playing with a ball

Parents and children having a conversation

Boy with cerebral palsy using a laptop

girl playing drums

Babysitters and girls sitting on the floor and playing with blocks 7

Boy holding things

Parents and children reading books

Boy with down syndrome

Boy with cerebral palsy drawing a picture

Boy with cerebral palsy studying

A woman holding a book and looking at the camera

Parents and children sitting side by side

Woman showing numbers and looking at camera

A man staring at a book cover

A boy with cerebral palsy playing an electronic piano

A woman wearing a mask and browsing

girl stretching clay

A woman writing with headphones

Nursery teachers and girls eating snacks 1

Cerebral palsy boy rehabilitating

Nursery teachers and girls playing jigsaw puzzles 1

Mom 2 who will put a futon on the girl sleeping in the bed

Girl with Down Syndrome pointing at the globe

A boy with cerebral palsy talking to a woman

Boy with cerebral palsy drawing a picture

Boy with cerebral palsy playing the keyboard

Boy with cerebral palsy practicing keyboard

Cerebral palsy boy playing puzzles

Parents and children reading books

Boy looking at the globe

Parent and child sitting on the sofa

Cerebral palsy boy playing puzzles

Profile of a man with coffee

Men and women looking at the camera studying

Nursery teacher 2 who puts a girl on her lap and talks

A man taking a record on a laptop

Down syndrome girl looking at a picture book

Boy with Down syndrome playing chess

Down syndrome boy with clay

Parents and children having a conversation

Girl with Down Syndrome playing the electronic piano

Down syndrome girl raising hands

Smiley man holding a notebook

Profile of a man studying

Nursery teachers and girls drawing 10

Down Syndrome Girl Working Seriously

Parent and child playing with a toy xylophone

Down syndrome girl rejoices to see the cake

A man returning a book to a bookshelf

Surprised Down syndrome boy looking at cake

Parents and children reading books

Female looking at the camera at the library

A man in a black mask on a computer

A man looking at a woman studying

Nursery teachers and girls playing with watermelon-patterned balls 8
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