Ota Ward Wild Bird Park

Ota Ward Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Wild bird

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park signboard

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Waterway of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Blue sky seen while walking around Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Blue sky seen while walking around Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Wild bird

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Blue butterfly dragonfly

Bright red scarlet skimmer

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Blue sky seen while walking around Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Blue sky seen while walking around Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Sky looking up from Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The sky looking up from the pond of Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Cute little bird statue in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Bench in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Nice building and blue sky in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Nice building and blue sky in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Nice building and blue sky in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Nice building and blue sky in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

Nice building and blue sky in Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park


The flowers of the Japanese bush warbler and the spiraea thunbergii remind us of spring.
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