Wooden Tower

Wooden Tower

Wooden Tower

Playing in the sand

Flags of Japan and the world floating in the clear blue sky of autumn

Driftwood standing on the ground and the sea

sand mountain

stick tossing on the beach

pile of sand

Bo-taoshi with wood chips

Wooden Tower

A pile of sand made at the beach (Bo-taoshi)

A woman fell to bed 1

Yarn in a basket and yarn with needles stuck in it lying on its side

Working clothes men holding their heads 6

Woman holding head in bed

Woman sleeping on the sofa

Image of falling

Working clothes male regret 2

Working clothes male regret 1

Male working clothes holding a head 5

A woman wrapped in a blanket on the sofa

Woman sleeping on sofa

Fall down

A pile of sand decorated with shells


It is too busy to collapse after coming home.

Female 3 falling to bed 3

Female 2 falling to bed 2

A woman sleeping face down on a messy futon

Woman living alone collapses; lonely death; recluse

Woman sleeping on the sofa

fallen person image doll

Woman sleeping on the sofa

Image of a fallen person and an ambulance with a sudden illness

Image of a person who collapsed due to sudden illness

Woman sleeping on sofa

A boy lying on the grass

A fallen man, a police car and an ambulance

Drawing doll collapses

A drawing doll in a trap

Cat apology

Image of a person who fell and an ambulance with a sudden illness

Image of a fallen person and an ambulance with a sudden illness

man sleeping on the ground

OL sleeping on the ground

A corpse lying face down on a roadside made of snow

old man sleeping on the ground

grandmother sleeping on the ground

A drawing doll lying down with its hands stretched forward

Drawing doll lying face down

Drawing doll lying face down

A spotlight and a doll that falls down on its stomach

person sleeping on the ground

nurse sleeping on the ground

Woman collapsing in bed

Image of a fallen person Doll

Baby chasing mom

Woman lying face down in bed

Woman lying face down in bed

Stab collapse
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