




Daisy flower 2

Daisy flower 3

Daisy flower 6

Yellow spray mum

Yellow spray roses

Yellow spray roses

Roses and spray mums

Roses and spray roses

Roses and spray mums

Roses and spray roses

Roses and spray mums

Roses and spray mums

Visiting the Grave

Roses and spray roses

Yellow spray roses

Roses and spray roses

Daisy flower 5

Yellow spray mum

Yellow spray roses

Daisy flower 6

Daisy flower 8

White-blue chrysanthemum

Yellow spray mum

Yellow spray roses

Roses and spray roses

Daisy flower 1

Daisy flower 4

Daisy flower 7

Roses and spray roses

Roses and spray mums

Yellow spray mum

Roses and spray mums

Island winter chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum rainbow flower white background

Flower water fountain

White chrysanthemum flowers on a black background

White chrysanthemum flowers on a black background

Yellow dahlia flower in a vase

White chrysanthemum flowers on a black background

Fluffy small chrysanthemum

Cornflower 2

Cornflower 4

Cornflower 3


Cornflower 1

Purple small chrysanthemum flowers

Purple small chrysanthemum flowers

Red-purple small chrysanthemum flowers

Red Flower


Bouquet of spray mums

Matricaria White Diamond



Margaret Morinbah



Yellow winter chrysanthemum flowers blooming close together

White chrysanthemum


Cleaning up after visiting the grave, throwing away chrysanthemum flowers

Discarded chrysanthemum flowers

Grave visit and cleaning: Disposed chrysanthemum flowers

Discarded chrysanthemum flowers close-up

Spray Mum 6 (Tahara City)

Spray Mum 4 (Tahara City)

Spray Mum 2 (Tahara City)

Spray mum 1 (Tahara City)

Spray Mum 5 (Tahara City)

Spray Mum 7 (Tahara City)

Spray Mum 3 (Tahara City)

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

Edible Chrysanthemum

This Bad Mom 6 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 7 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 10 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 5 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 2 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 3 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 9 (Tahara City)

This Bad Mom 1 (Tahara City)

Yellow flowers of winter chrysanthemum

Aster white and pink

Spray mum botanical frame pink background

Edible chrysanthemums served with sashimi etc. 2

Chrysanthemum in Chinese herbal medicine


White chrysanthemum flower 2

Hida Takayama Jerusalem artichoke pickles 1

Hida Takayama Jerusalem artichoke pickles 3
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