Clear blue sky and castle tower

Beautiful Kokura Castle against the backdrop of a clear blue sky

Herons standing on the moat and Kokura Castle

Flags and Kokura Castle

A flag with "Kokura Castle" written on it and the castle

Cityscape lit up at night and a castle illuminated by lights

Kokura Castle towering pale

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle in the dark with light leaking through the windows

Kokura Castle bathed in orange light and the light leaking from the window

Blue sky, pine trees and Kokura castle tower

The bluish Kokura Castle in the night sky

Kokura Castle with the castle tower lit up in the dark of night

Kokura Castle with lights on the windows under the dark night sky

Kokura Castle lit up in orange

Kokura Castle illuminated in orange in the night sky

A castle that emerges in orange in the dark night city

Kokura Castle tower illuminated in orange in the night sky

Sky obscured by clouds and the castle tower of Kokura Castle

Scenery of Kokura Castle.

Kokura Castle seen through the trees in the dark night sky

Kokura Castle standing calmly in the dark, illuminated in orange

Kokura Castle tower seen through the blue sky and trees

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

A night sky with a crescent moon and Kokura Castle standing in the dark

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle standing in the dark sky after sunset and deep in the forest

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

A torii gate and a castle under the moonlit blue night sky

Kokura Castle behind the stone walls and the upside-down castle reflected in the water surface of the moat

The blue night sky illuminated by the crescent moon, Kokura Castle and the Otorii gate

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Kokura Castle and the crescent moon reflected in the water surface of the moat

Bluish Kokura Castle and the moon reflected on the surface of the water

Kokura Castle standing in the night sky illuminated by the crescent moon

Kokura Castle and crescent moon lit up in the dark

The Kokura Castle tower standing in the night sky and the crescent moon floating in the background

Kokura Castle and the moon seen behind the torii gate dimmed in the night

Kokura Castle lit up with crescent moon

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Kokura castle tower in Kitakyushu city

Crescent moon floating in the night sky and Kokura Castle tower

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Upside down Kokura Castle reflected in the water

Upside-down Kokura Castle reflecting and rippling on the water surface

Orange Kokura Castle reflected in the moat

A castle lit up in orange seen from between the torii gates

A castle that looks like a puzzle with reflections in the square windows

Kokura Castle reflected on the glass of a building in the dark night

Kokura Castle standing vaguely in the darkness with light on the top floor

Kokura Castle seen through the bamboo lanterns

Bamboo patterns and castle emerge from the darkness, illuminated by light.

Glowing objects at night and Kokura Castle

Illuminated tiger statue and Kokura Castle

The waters of the moat reflecting the castle under the moonlit night sky

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle standing in orange light between the large torii gates

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle visible in the blue sky with clouds and trees

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Kokura Castle tower in Kokura Kita Ward, Kitakyushu City

Rain clouds covering the blue sky and Kokura Castle

Kokura Castle standing under the ominous sky

A crescent moon seen behind Kokura Castle towering in the night sky

Kokura Castle surrounded by blue sky and fresh greenery

Kokura Castle enshrined in the center of the radiating clouds

Rain clouds covering the sky and Kokura Castle
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