Office worker with a cardboard box

Office worker who puts files in a cardboard box

Office worker with a cardboard box

Office worker with a cardboard box

Office worker with a cardboard box

Office worker who puts files in a cardboard box

Office worker with a cardboard box

An office worker who puts a winning cup in a cardboard box

A block of wood labeled CHANGE

Sakura double cherry blossom

A woman giving a present in a blue paper bag and a man getting a smile

big syringe

Residents change the session

syringe parts

Image of selection of mobile phone company

Syringes piled up carelessly

Syringes lined up side by side

multiple syringes

Dad changing baby diapers

Missing multiple syringes

multiple syringes lined up

various size syringes

Evenly spaced syringes

Syringe up

needle and syringe

1 syringe

Syringe with finger grip pulled out

multiple syringes lined up

Switch mobile phone to another company MNP image

multiple needles

needleless syringes randomly scattered

Syringes arranged neatly

Multiple Syringes and Medicine Sheets Scattered

Large amount of scattered syringes

Syringes (syringes, needles, tablets, vials, etc.)

Syringe rolled carelessly

syringe on arm

finger grip up

vial and 1 syringe

needle stuck in arm

An arm that is likely to be punctured by an injection needle

Syringe prepared in front of arm

Residents change the session

Washing display

A button

Washing display

Residents change the session

CHANGE Arrows and hands to step up

Change Change Change image material Pointing

Businessman walking with a suitcase


100 yen coin


change / change + heart and green

change / change + speech bubble

change / change

change / change, change

Personnel transfer text material

Change character and businessman

The word "change" and pay envelope

Change in words and mindset

Change character and businessman

Change letters in the alphabet

Change letters in the alphabet

Change character and businessman

Change letters in the alphabet

Change character and businessman

Change in words and mindset

Change letters in the alphabet

change / change + sticky note, pen

A mother changing her baby's diaper

Dad changing baby's diaper

Dad changing baby's diaper

A button

A woman's hand getting a receipt and change at the cash register

Randomly placed coins

Image of piggy bank and coins for saving money

Change (CHANGE) Image material of words





Pocket money


Woman with bouquet and present pink background

How much is your annual income?

Change CHANGE Blackboard image material Pointing


Smartphones, model changes, changes

Pig money box, calculator and coins

Active in the world Businessman 1

A purse, new bills, a calculator, and coins


Five tilted six wooden cubes_black board and marble background__CHANCE and letters with G letters

Flat elastic (sewing) 5

Concrete after removing tiles

Tile demolition work③

Tile demolition work ④

Change the TV channel

Purse, coins and piggy bank
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