Smiling children being held by their teacher

A woman holding a kindergarten child

A woman holding a picture drawn by a kindergarten child together

A kindergarten child showing a picture he drew

Children and women sitting side by side

Female feeding

A woman looking at a girl while holding a boy

A woman showing a picture drawn by a kindergarten child

Children and teachers getting along well

Children and women who enjoy drawing

Women and kindergarten children

Children and women who enjoy drawing

Boys getting piggybacked by women

Two kindergarten children and a smiling woman

Boy eating rice

A woman sitting and reading

A woman happily snuggling up with two girls

A woman who shows a picture drawn by a child to another child

Smiling woman reading a book to a girl

Girls and women playing with blocks

A woman spraying alcohol on her child's hands

Nursery teacher with puppet

Children and women who enjoy drawing

Women and kindergarten children

A woman hugging a kindergarten child

Women and kindergarten children

A woman showing a picture drawn by a kindergarten child

A woman holding a child while playing with blocks

A woman holding a picture drawn by a child with her child

Children and women who enjoy drawing

A woman who has four children

Women and kindergarten children playing the train

Children and women who enjoy drawing

A woman who draws a picture with a kindergarten child

Children and women who enjoy drawing

A woman holding a picture drawn by a child with her child

A woman who enjoys looking at the pictures drawn by the kindergarten children

Boys hugged by women

A girl playing rock-paper-scissors with her teacher

A woman reading a picture book and a child watching it

Children and women playing with blocks

A woman looking at a child's rock-paper-scissors

A kindergarten child who shows a picture drawn to another kindergarten child

Children eating lunch

Girl happy to be hugged

A teacher helping children with meals

Nursery teacher playing with children

A woman who enjoys drawing children's drawings

A child who runs away from her hug and a woman who catches her

Children lined up with each other and women watching over them

A woman holding a girl with twin tails

A woman snuggling up to a girl with a bag

Woman smiling at the camera

Women and kindergarten children

Women and kindergarten children who come out of the board

A kindergarten child who shows a picture drawn to another kindergarten child

A woman who treats her children with a smile

A woman who measures the temperature of a child with a non-contact thermometer

Children and women who enjoy drawing

Woman and girl smiling and looking at camera

A nursery teacher watches over a child playing happily with toys

Women and children sitting side by side

A woman who measures the temperature of a child

Women and kindergarten children

Woman hugging a girl

A woman who enjoys looking at the pictures drawn by the kindergarten children

A woman showing a toy to a boy

Child and woman posing with hands on cheeks

A woman who rubs a child with a smile

Smiling girls and women looking at camera

A kindergarten child showing his own picture

A woman sitting on someone's lap and reading aloud

A woman who draws with a kindergarten child

A woman hugging two girls

Woman wearing a face shield

A woman holding a picture drawn by a kindergarten child

Children and women playing musical instruments

Nursery teacher hugging a girl 2

Smiling girl and teacher playing with toys

A smiling woman with a kindergarten showing a picture she wrote happily

Women and boys eating lunch

Smiling child and nursery teacher holding a toy

Female and baby in an apron

Woman holding a girl
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