A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

Whooper Swan II



Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Swan dancing

Am I beautiful?

Whooper Swan III

Tundra Swan Webbed Feet

Swan dancing

Flight of swan

Tundra Swan

A flying whooper swan at Sugo-numa

Whooper swans flying in the sky

Swans swimming in Lake Yamanaka, splashing water

Swans swimming gracefully on Lake Yamanaka

Whooper swans flying in the sky

Two Swans

Swans swimming in Lake Yamanaka, splashing water

Whooper swans flying in the sky

Whooper swans at Sugo-numa in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture

A flock of whooper swans at Sugo-numa in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture

Whooper swans flying over Sugo-numa in Joso City

Swan flight

Four swans

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen


Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Mute Swans on the Kurashiki River

Mute swans on the moat of the Imperial Palace

Flock of swans

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

A group of swans relaxing on a winter lake

Swans and ducks relaxing on a winter lake

Swans relaxing on a winter lake

Swan relaxing on a winter lake

Swans relaxing on a winter lake

Lake Lucerne

A flock of whooper swans

A flock of whooper swans

A flock of whooper swans

A flock of whooper swans

Flock of coots and pintails

Flock of swans


Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

485 Department of white birds

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Akita Inland Line and Shiratori

485 Series Fan Taiwan

Swan 01

Swan 02

Swan 03

Swan dancing

The lake of swan

A pair of swans and a lake

Swan Lake Here

Unwilling swans

Swan in the top of the buddha

Swans without ambition

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

To those with food

Swan in the evening

Swans looking up (evening)


Mute swans in Shiratori Village, Itako City

Swan dancing

The Winter Tale of the Swans

A paradise for swans, Lake Swan, Saigawa

The Winter Tale of the Swans

The Winter Tale of the Swans

The Winter Tale of the Swans

The Winter Tale of the Swans

Swans gather on a snowy beach in winter. Aomori, Gōura Park

Swans gather on a snowy beach in winter. Aomori, Gōura Park

Swans gather on a snowy beach in winter. Aomori, Gōura Park

Swan on Lake Yamanaka


Swans gather on a snowy beach in winter. Aomori, Gōura Park

Beautiful swan dancing

Whooper swan standing in a rice field

Maximum event of Tokachigawa Onsen

Mt. Ibuki and whooper swans searching for food in the rice fields
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