Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Corridor of the ruins of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of an elementary school

Classroom closed at midnight

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Elementary and junior high school ruins

Closed elementary school building

Ruins of an elementary school

Corridor of the ruins of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of an elementary school

Classroom at the site of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Corridor of an abandoned elementary school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Classroom at the site of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Ruins of elementary and junior high school

Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Classroom at the site of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Aerial view of the ruins of an elementary school

School building of the ruins of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Staff room of an abandoned elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Elementary and junior high school ruins

Elementary and junior high school ruins

Former Akasaki Elementary School

Closed elementary school building

Ruins of an elementary school

Aerial view of the ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Former Akasaki Elementary School

Room name tag of the ruins of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Pool of closed elementary school

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Ruins of an elementary school

Elementary and junior high school ruins

Ruins of an elementary school

Remains of the staff room of an abandoned elementary school

Classroom at the site of an elementary school left in an abandoned mine village

Pool of closed elementary school

Remains of the staff room of an abandoned elementary school

Aerial view of the ruins of an elementary school

Aerial view of the ruins of an elementary school

Closed elementary school and cherry blossoms in the schoolyard

Ruins of an elementary school

Ruins of elementary and junior high school on the island

Remains of the staff room of an abandoned elementary school

Ruins of an elementary school

Aerial view of the ruins of an elementary school

School building of an elementary school that was closed

Closed elementary school and Sakura

School ruins and leftover playset

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Tsunagi Former Akasaki Elementary School Abandoned school pool

Former Akasaki Elementary School, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Former Akasaki Elementary School, Minamata City

Former Ono Kiba Elementary School damaged school building

Ruins of elementary and junior high school on the island

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Former Ono Kiba Elementary School damaged school building

Former Ono Kiba Elementary School damaged school building

Red rocks of Akao Island, Minamata City

Tsunagi Elementary school floating in the sea

Playset that remains on the site of the school

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Elementary school left in an abandoned village

School building of an elementary school that was closed

Closed elementary school and Sakura

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Aerial view of the former Akasaki Elementary School

Elementary school ruins and rice terraces

Abandoned elementary school classroom traces

Midsummer statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya (former site of Chimachi Elementary School)
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