A baby turtle walking through a grassy field

Turtle shell drying

Pond turtle

Pond turtle

Hatched Japanese pond turtle

Hatched Japanese pond turtle

Hatched Japanese pond turtle

Hatched Japanese pond turtle

Baby Japanese pond turtle

Baby Japanese pond turtle

Baby Japanese pond turtle

Baby Japanese pond turtle

Pond turtle walk

Pond turtle walk

Pond turtle walk

Pond turtle walk

Pond turtle walk

Pond turtle walk

Just after hatching of the Japanese pond turtle

A parent and child turtle sunning themselves

A parent and child turtle sunning themselves

Sea turtle without one leg

Turtles taking a walk on the veranda

A turtle

A pond turtle walking on the balcony

A peeking turtle

Reeve's turtle

Reeve's turtle

Reeve's face


Reeve's turtle

Turtle and windmill

Mysterious turtle

A baby turtle walking through a grassy field

Put a little turtle on the parent turtle

A pond turtle emerging from the water

Wild turtle found in the woods

Turtles taking a walk on the veranda

Reeve's turtle

Reeve's turtle

Small turtle eating food (mouth open)

baby turtles and food

green sea turtle

green sea turtle

green sea turtle

green sea turtle

green sea turtle

green sea turtle

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

reed turtle

Reeve's turtle

Japanese pond turtle and Japanese pond turtle

green sea turtle

sea turtle

Reeve's turtle

The raging Japanese pond turtle

Riverside turtles Dried shells Early spring (Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture)

A sea turtle relaxing with its chin resting on the stairs

turtle and food


Tortoise Overturned reeve turtle ①

Tortoise Reed turtle ①

turtle ②

Turtle Kusa turtle ⑩ back view

Tortoise ⑤

turtle ③

turtle ④

Tortoise Reed tortoise⑦

Tortoise Overturned Reeve Turtle②

Turtle Reed turtle ⑥ Walking turtle

turtle ⑨

Reeve's turtle

Reeve's turtle

Reeve's turtle

paper quilling honu

A pet pond turtle being lifted

Summer sky and the lifted up Japanese pond turtle

reed turtle

baby turtle

Paper Quilling Honu Sea Turtle Parent and Child

Three honu (sea turtles)

small turtle on hand

Monstera and Honu

Reed turtle


reed turtle

A cuddly pond turtle

Playing in the water with the Japanese pond turtle on the balcony

sea turtle

A reeveled turtle drying its shell on a decaying tree from a pond

A pet pond turtle looking at the summer sky

Hello, I'm a turtle

sea turtle

Reeve's turtle from above

Parent and child of Monstera and Honu

Pond turtle

two honu

paper quilling honu

The face of a pond turtle
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