Girl wearing a hat

Yukata woman who hits the wind of an electric fan

Yukata woman who hits the wind of an electric fan

Yukata woman who smiles and hits the wind of a fan

A smiling yukata woman who hits the wind of an electric fan

Yukata woman who hits a fan with a smile

Yukata man who cools down with a fan in a Japanese-style room

High school girl with mobile fans

Yukata woman who cools down with a fan

Yukata woman who hits the electric fan

Yukata woman who hits a fan with a smile

Yukata man who cools down with the wind of an electric fan

Yukata couple cool with a fan

Yukata woman who hits the electric fan

A woman in a white T-shirt cools off with a handheld fan

A woman who cools down with a handy fan_Summer heat measures

Scrap scrap

A woman sitting on a chair and cooling off with a fan

A woman sitting with her legs crossed and fanning herself with a folding fan

A woman sitting with her legs crossed and fanning herself with a folding fan

A woman cooling off with a fan

A hot woman touching her forehead

Profile of a woman with her legs crossed and fanning herself with a folding fan

A man looking at a tablet while fanning with a fan

A woman holding a folding fan and looking at the camera

Sitting woman fanning herself with a folding fan

Woman sitting with crossed legs looking at camera with folding fan

A woman sitting on a sofa and fanning with a fan

A woman fanning herself with a folding fan with her eyes closed

A woman fanning a folding fan

A woman who looks hot even with a fan

A man looking at a tablet while fanning himself with a fan

A hot woman touching her forehead with her left hand

A man holding a tablet and fanning with a fan

Hot woman sitting on the sofa

A man fanning himself with a folding fan and looking at a tablet

Businessman in hot room

A man looking at the camera fanning with sense


A woman touching her forehead and fanning herself with a fan

A woman sitting on a sofa and fanning a fan

A hot woman fanning herself with her right hand

A hot woman fanning herself with both hands

A hot woman sitting on the sofa and touching her forehead

A man fanning himself with a folding fan and looking at a tablet

A woman looking at a tablet while fanning herself with a folding fan

A man fanning himself with a fan while looking at a tablet

A woman sitting on a sofa and fanning with a fan

A woman with her legs crossed and holding a fan and juice

man fanning with hand

A hot woman fanning herself with her hand

A man who spreads his fingers and closes his eyes

Women who survive the heat with a mobile fan_measures against heat stroke

A woman holding orange juice fanning with a fan

A hot woman with her eyes closed in front of an electric fan

Hot woman with her eyes closed

A woman who puts her face on an electric fan

Hot woman touching her forehead with both hands

A man looking at an electric fan with his forehead out

woman sitting in front of fan

A hot woman touching her forehead with her right hand

A woman who puts her face in front of an electric fan with her eyes closed

A man who looks hot with his hair up

A woman who touches her face hot

A man who brushes his hair and puts out his forehead

A woman who puts her face on an electric fan

A hot woman in front of an electric fan

A sideways woman who puts her forehead on an electric fan

Hot woman sitting on the sofa

A smiling woman looking at an electric fan

A hot woman who closes her eyes and touches her forehead

Woman closing her eyes and cooling off with an electric fan

A hot woman cooling off with a fan

A hot woman in front of an electric fan

A woman putting her forehead on a fan

Woman closing her eyes in front of an electric fan

A woman who brings her face close to a fan

A man who raises his forehead and stares at a fan

man wiping sweat from neck

A man holding a book and looking to the side

man wiping his neck

A man wiping his neck with a sheet

man sitting on a chair and reading

man operating a tablet

man sitting on a chair reading a book

A woman who touches her forehead with her right hand and feels hot

A man wiping his neck with a sweat wiping sheet

A woman who is hot and approaches a fan

man sitting on a chair and reading a book

man reading a book

man operating a tablet

A man reading while his feet are cold

Seven herbs of spring

Large type fan

TV stand and living room

seven herbs of spring

Handy fan and ice cube

Ceiling light
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