Snow Fairy Shimaenaga

A male white-winged snow bunting descending to the ground

Beautiful cranberry crane

Cute shima enaga

Cranberry crane dancing in the east

Beautiful cranberry crane

Beautiful cranberry crane

Cranberry crane dancing in the east

Birds of prey in the world natural heritage Shiretoko

Whooper Swan Sendai City Winter Yobeinuma

A male stonechat seen in a seaside meadow in the summer

Greater white-fronted goose

Male narcissus flycatcher who came to the forest in spring

Male Daurian redstart in backlight

Crane crane in Kushiro

Swans flying in a flock

A swan running on the water

Swan taking off from the water

Swan about to take off from the water

Swan taking off from the water

A female stonechat found in a field in Hokkaido in the summer

Daurian redstart perched on a branch

Daurian redstart perched on a branch

A photo capturing the entire body of a swan

High quality swan photos

A female Daurian redstart perched on a post

A female Daurian redstart perched on a post

A female Daurian redstart perched on a post

Varied tit perched on a branch

Varied tit perched on a branch


Cranberry crane dancing in Lake Akan

Blue-and-white flycatcher

The Tufted Duck is characterized by its golden eyes.

Daurian Redstart Perched on a Branch

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Daurian Redstart

See here White-throated Sparrow

Daurian Redstart

Daurian Redstart

Closed on Hokkaido Jingu Shrine

Daurian redstart perched on a branch

Is there anything to eat around here?

Daurian redstart facing right

A Daurian redstart flapping its wings

Daurian redstart searching for food

I'm just taking a quick peek

A Daurian redstart with beautiful feathers

Daurian redstart looking left

Daurian redstart is staring

A white-throated sparrow perched on a log

A flock of Tufted Ducks gathering for the winter


Daurian Redstart

Tufted ducks arrive for the winter

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Blue-and-white flycatcher


Flapping duck

Egret catching food

Standing Grey Heron

A shrike perched on a railing

Flapping duck

Egret taking flight

Flapping duck

Egret catching food

Egret catching food

Ducks on the lake

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Standing Grey Heron

Standing Grey Heron

Grey Heron Taking Flight

A shrike perched on a railing

Egret catching food

Waterfowl in the waves

Standing Grey Heron

Waterfowl in the waves

Grey Heron Taking Flight

Egret catching food

Egret catching food

Waterfowl in the waves

Egret catching food

Egret catching food

Egret catching food

Egret catching food

Egret taking flight

Flapping duck

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